Need More Information?
Get more information about our business and government services, or learn how your organisation can partner with Equifax.
To access your Personal Credit Report, visit https://www.equifax.co.uk
To query your Personal Credit Report or get help, visit https://help.equifax.co.uk/EquifaxOnlineHelp/s/
To access your business credit report, download our Business Report form and return your completed form to us via post or email using the information provided on the form.
Send an email to our customer service team via hello@equifax.com and we'll get in touch with you directly.
Our identity verification looks beyond the direct evidence of fraud or misrepresentation to connect accounts, people and devices that might seem unrelated. This helps you spot suspicious behaviour or anomalies and prevent fraud from sources that otherwise appear genuine.
Aiding Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulation, our identity verification products are designed to help you make complex decisions quickly and accurately, freeing up your energy to focus on your core business.
Easily add the process into your existing system or use our web-based interface to improve or maintain your customer service with fully customised parameters, depending on your requirements.