
Commercial Credit Challenges: Life after lockdown webinar slide deck


Commercial Credit Challenges: Life after lockdown webinar slide deck

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In this webinar we discussed how SME lenders could return to business as usual after furlough and forbearance ends and how a data-driven approach could help enhance customer management strategies by gaining a better understanding of the effects of emergency payment freezes and turnover shocks on businesses. We examined the insight data we hold on SME businesses to explain what the market is showing us in terms of arrears and turnover trends, and we demonstrated the importance of new COVID-19 insight data in helping commercial lenders to move forward after lockdown.


We were delighted be joined by Simon Goldie, Head of Asset Finance at the FLA who joined Equifax's own experts in commercial data and analytics to share their views and insight into solving SME lending challenges that have arisen due to COVID-19.

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